The newsletter brought to you by Human Progress.
Your Life In Numbers
Explore how much the world has changed since you were born.
Superabundance Calculator
Everyone has 24 hours a day, so how we use them matters.
The story of population growth, innovation, and human flourishing on an infinitely bountiful planet.
Simon Abundance Index
Does population growth lead to greater resource scarcity?
Grim Old Days
Collection of contemporary accounts of daily life in the past.
Heroes of Progress
A collection of people who have made extraordinary contributions to human wellbeing.
Centers of Progress
The story of civilization is in many ways the story of the city.
Time Prices
A better way to measure improvements in the standards of living.
Dead Wrong with Johan Norberg
Overturning conventional wisdom with free-market principles.
Classroom Resources
HumanProgress in the classroom.
New and Improved with Johan Norberg
Johan Norberg explores pioneering ecosystems that dramatically changed our world for the better.
Book Reviews
Reviews of some of the books most relevant to human progress.
From Poverty to Progress with Michael Magoon
Michael Magoon explains the origins of progress, and how we can ensure that all of humanity enjoys its benefits.