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Why Steve Wozniak Dismissed PCs and Steve Jobs Didn’t

Blog Post | Adoption of Technology

Why Steve Wozniak Dismissed PCs and Steve Jobs Didn’t

In March 1976 Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak presented a circuit board design for a home PC at the now legendary “Homebrew Computer Club” – a meeting of early personal computing pioneers.

In attendance was a young Steve Jobs who – so struck by the projects potential – convinced Wozniak to keep the designs private and co-found Apple to commercialize them. The rest was history.

Often forgotten in this Silicon Valley legend was the doubt one of the Steve’s (Steve Wozniak) cast on the very idea of personal computing, just as the companies magnum opus – the Macintosh – had been released to the world.

In a 1985 interview Wozniak posited: “The home computer may be going the way of video games, which are a dying fad” – alluding to the 1983 crash in the video game market. Wozniak continued:

for most personal tasks, such as balancing a check book, consulting airline schedules, writing a modest number of letters, paper works just as well as a computer, and costs less.

Even in the realm of education Wozniak doubted the value of computers, saying that after leaving Apple and enrolling in college:

I spent all my time using the computer, not learning the subject I was supposed to learn. I was just as efficient when I used a typewriter.

He seemed well aware of the heretical nature of his statements, telling a reporter: “Nobody at Apple is going to like hearing this, but as a general device for everyone, computers have been oversold” and that “Steve Jobs is going to kill me when he hears that.”

Many of his critiques were not uncommon: the same year The New York Times ran a story titled “Home Computer is Out in the Cold” exploring the failed promise of computers becoming as ubiquitous as television and dishwashers in the home. In the piece Silicon Valley luminary Esther Dyson joked “What the world needs is a home computer that does windows” – she meant housework, not the operating system that would launch 8-months later.

Apple CEO John Sculley – who’d infamously force Steve Jobs out of his own company later that same year – would conclude:

A lot of myths about computers were exposed in 1984. One of them is that there is such a thing as the home computer market. It doesn’t exist. People use computers in the home, of course, but for education and running a small business. There are not uses in the home itself.

Another person quoted in the piece, Dan Bricklin – co-inventor of spreadsheet software (VisiCalc) – said ”What everyone is missing is that it has to be both convenient and cheap” — alluding to computer pioneer Alan Kay’s 1972 vision for “Dynabook” – an iPad like device connected to central databases (what we now call the internet). Bricklin would quip:

You are not going to go upstairs just to type in a quick query and get back an answer.

John Sculley would eventually concur with Bricklin and Alan Kay, in the proceeding years Apple would begin work on handheld connected computers, first via a group of Macintosh engineers that would spin off the company “General Magic.” Then via the “Newton” an early PDA and precursor to the iPhone.

General Magic/Sony Magic Link Credit: Josh Carter • Apple Newton Image Credit: Old-Computers.net • 1972 Dynabook Illustration, Alan Kay

It turns out even Steve Jobs agreed with broader assessments of the limited appeal of the PC market – but crucially – only in the micro. In a 1985 Playboy interview Jobs would admit the home PC market was: “more of a conceptual market than a real market.”

Credit: Playboy, 1985

However, Jobs insisted that something big was coming – alluding to a nascent “nationwide communications network” that would be “a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people, as big as the telephone” and make computers “essential in most homes.”

Playboy: What will change?

Steve Jobs: The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it into a nationwide communications network. We’re just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people—as remarkable as the telephone.

Jobs was right. You’re using such a network right now on a personal computing device. It turned out people would be willing to “go upstairs just to type in a quick query and get back an answer” if the world’s knowledge was at their fingertips.

Macro Pessimism vs Macro Optimism

What separated the two Steve’s is Wozniak was a pessimist in the micro and the macro, while Jobs was staunchly optimistic in the macro, about the larger idea of personal computing and only doubted the mass appeal in the current form – much like Alan Kay, Dan Bricklin and eventually John Sculley.

The problem with macro optimism? It is speculative in nature, it is vague and sounds pie-in-the-sky (and much of it inevitably is) – on the other hand micro pessimism is specific and grounded in current reality. Steve Jobs would articulate this in response to Playboy probing if he was expecting people to act on pure faith when investing in a home PC:

Playboy: Then for now, aren’t you asking home-computer buyers to invest $3000 in what is essentially an act of faith?

Steve Jobs: …the hard part of what we’re up against now is that people ask you about specifics and you can’t tell them. A hundred years ago, if somebody had asked Alexander Graham Bell, “What are you going to be able to do with a telephone?” he wouldn’t have been able to tell him the ways the telephone would affect the world. He didn’t know that people would use the telephone to call up and find out what movies were playing that night or to order some groceries or call a relative on the other side of the globe.

Jobs would go on to cite the early days of the telegraph when short term optimists predicted a “telegraph on every desk” – overlooking the impracticality of learning morse code. He’d point out that personal telegraphy machines didn’t have mass consumer appeal, not because electronic messaging was unappealing to consumers but because its early form factor was unappealing.

His broader point: Being pessimistic about the mass consumer appeal of home based telecommunication in the form of telegraph machines was accurate – in the micro – however, applying that to telecommunication in the macro would have been a mistake because eventually the telephone, cellphones and texting would emerge. He’d posit that the recent advent of the graphical user interface via the Macintosh was a similar leap in usability and would similarly increase consumer demand.

Playboy wasn’t convinced:

Playboy: Is that really significant or is it simply a novelty? The Macintosh has been called “the world’s most expensive Etch A Sketch” by at least one critic.

Jobs: It’s as significant as the difference between the telephone and the telegraph.

Early iterations of breakthrough technologies are often extremely limited and it is easy to think those limits will persist, our previous dive into early reactions of the Wright Brothers Flier is a good example (we called it “beta bias”).

Extrapolating something like the jumbo jet in response to critiques of the Flier would have sounded polly-annish to critics of that early implementation of manned flight. As would prognosticating image based user interfaces at the advent of command line computers, or an information network at the advent of user interfaces as jobs did in Playboy. When asked to elaborate on that particular prediction Jobs would say:

I can only begin to speculate. We see that a lot in our industry: You don’t know exactly what’s going to result, but you know it’s something very big and very good.

What he was describing was macro optimism.

Beta Bias

The broader lesson here is not to judge emerging technologies – especially breakthrough ones – on early form factors and limitations. Micro pessimism is often grounded in reality, but reality changes – especially in the context of technological development. While no one can be sure how new technologies will improve and evolve, we can be sure that they will thanks to that invisible force driving technological progress: human intelligence, ingenuity and creativity.

This article was published at Pessimists Archive on 5/6/2024.

Bloomberg | Communications

A Profile of Neuralink’s First Patient

“In the first couple of weeks after returning home, Arbaugh had members of Neuralink’s team in his living room and kitchen to test the device. In research settings, brain implant patients usually need to rest after two to four hours because of mental and physical strain, but Arbaugh would go for up to 10 hours. The device also outperformed its predecessors. From Day 1, he began breaking speed records on the typical battery of tests used to benchmark the performance of brain-computer interface implants.

The world began to reopen for Arbaugh. He could play games like Sid Meier’s Civilization and chess with relative ease. He could hop between websites and audiobooks on his computer. And he could do all of this while lying in bed, which was far more comfortable and less spasm-inducing than sitting in his wheelchair and trying to get his mouth stick aligned just so with his iPad.

In the early days, Arbaugh had to learn how to tune Neuralink’s software to his brain patterns and get the gist of turning thoughts into action. As the weeks went by, the process became second nature. Arbaugh could carry on a conversation with someone while playing chess at the same time. It seemed like he’d developed a superpower.”

From Bloomberg.

Blog Post | Economic Growth

The Human Meaning of Economic Growth

Misunderstandings of the relationship between wealth and flourishing have obscured the anti-​human implications of slowing growth rates.

Summary: Economic growth has been a driving force behind the dramatic improvements in human wellbeing over the past few centuries. This growth has resulted from the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and capitalism. Criticisms of growth stem in large part from misunderstandings of the relationship between economics and human values.

Why is the world as prosperous a place as it is? And why isn’t it much more prosperous? These questions are broad enough to admit countless answers, but as good an answer as any is the economic growth rate.

You might have heard that economic growth is overrated, that it’s a fine idea, but unsustainable, or even that it’s entirely counterproductive because it puts profits above people and the economy above the planet. These narratives have been widespread in recent years. They’re also based on a fundamental misconception of the nature of wealth and what a growing economy means for humanity.

Properly conceived, wealth is the actualization of human values in the real world. Economic growth is the upward trajectory of human achievement. The forms of prosperity that most of humanity strives for, such as health, knowledge, pleasure, safety, professional and personal freedom, and so many others, were vastly scarcer throughout most of human history—and would be orders of magnitude more abundant today if economic policies had been slightly different. That is the power of economic growth, and it is within our power to influence the world of future generations for better or worse.

The History of Economic Growth

Virtually everywhere and always throughout human history, economic growth was nonexistent. While pockets of momentary economic progress took place in certain instances, the overall trend was one of perpetual stagnation. But just a few hundred years ago, with the advent of the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and capitalism, that all began to change.

When the conceptual tools of science became widely applied to create the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution, they brought an unprecedented optimism about the capacity for investment in new discoveries and inventions to reliably uncover useful knowledge of the natural world. This change inspired the broad transformation of mere wealth (resources hidden away in vaults and treasure chests) into capital (resources invested in new inventions and discoveries).

By the time Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx wrote their Communist Manifesto in 1848, the optimism of investment had already transformed Western Europe. As Engels and Marx saw it, “The bourgeoisie [capitalist class], during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Nature’s forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-​navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground — what earlier century had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?”

Marx and Engels misunderstand the complex reasons for increased productivity (attributing it to untapped “social labour”) but the quotation is significant because, despite their sympathy for state centralization of the economy, they could not ignore the success of capitalism.

While no year before 1700 saw a gross world product of more than $643 billion (in international inflation-​adjusted 2011 dollars), by 1820 global GDP reached 1 trillion. By 1940 the number had passed 7 trillion, and by 2015 it had passed 108 trillion.

Contrary to the popular misconception that capitalism has made the rich richer and the poor poorer, this new wealth contributed to growing the economies of every world region while outpacing population growth. While the world’s extreme poor have become wealthier so too have all other economic classes.

What’s So Great about Growth?

A growing economy isn’t about stacks of paper money getting taller, or digits being added to the spreadsheets of bank ledgers. These things may be indicators of growth, but the growth itself is composed of goods and services becoming more abundant. Farms and factories producing more and better consumption goods; engineers creating better machines and materials; clean water reaching more communities; sick people receiving better healthcare; scientists running more experiments, poets writing more poems, education becoming more broadly accessible; and for whatever other forms of value people choose to exchange their savings and labor.

Gross domestic product or GDP (called gross world product or world GDP when applied at the global level) is an imperfect but useful and widely employed measure of economic growth, and its reflection in the real world takes such forms as rising life expectancy, nutrition, literacy, safety from natural disaster, and virtually every other measure of human flourishing. This is because, at the most fundamental level, “economic growth” means the transformation and rearrangement of the physical environment into more useful forms that people value more.

Before the year 1820, human life expectancy had always been approximately 30-35 years. But with the great decline in poverty and rise of capital investment in technology and medicine, global life expectancy has roughly doubled in every geographic region in the last century. Similar trends have occurred in global nourishmentinfant survivalliteracy, access to clean water, and countless other crucial indicators of wellbeing. While these trends are bound to take the occasional momentary downturn because of life’s uncertainties and hardships, the unidirectional accumulation of technological and scientific knowledge since the Age of Enlightenment gives the forward march of progress an asymmetric advantage. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns resulted in a brief and tragic decline in life expectancy, but the number has since risen to an all-​time high of 73.36 years as of 2023.

What is the direct causal connection between economic growth and these improvements to human wellbeing? Consider the example of deaths by natural disaster, which have fallen in the last century from about 26.5 per 100,000 people to 0.51 per 100,000 people. More wealth means buildings can be constructed from stronger materials and better climate controls. And when those protections aren’t enough, a wealthier community can afford better infrastructure such as roads and vehicles to efficiently get sick or injured people to the hospital. When those injured end up in the hospital, a wealthier society’s medical facilities will be equipped with more advanced equipment, cleaner sanitation, and better-​trained doctors that will provide higher quality medical attention. These are just a few examples of how wealth allows humans to transform their world into a more hospitable place to live and face the inevitable challenges of life.

The benefits of economic growth go far beyond the maximization of health and safety for their own sake. If what you value in life is the contemplation of great art, the exaltation of your favorite deity, or time spent with your loved ones, wealth is what awards you the freedom to sustainably pursue those values rather tilling the fields for 16 hours per day and dying in your 30s. Wealth is what provides you access to an ever-​improving share of the world’s culture by increasing the abundance and accessibility of printed, recorded, and digital materials. Wealth is what provides you with the leisure time and transportation technology to travel the world and experience distant wonders, remote holy sites, and people whose personal or professional significance to you would otherwise dwell beyond your reach.

As the Harvard University cognitive scientist Steven Pinker demonstrates in his popular book Enlightenment Now, “Though it’s easy to sneer at national income as a shallow and materialistic measure, it correlates with every indicator of human flourishing, as we will repeatedly see in the chapters to come.”

The Long-​Term Future of Growth

Human psychology is ill-​equipped to comprehend large numbers, especially as they relate to the profound numerical implications of exponentiation. If it sounds insignificant when politicians and journalists refer to a 1 percent or 2 percent increase or decrease in the annual growth rate, then like most people, you’re being deceived by a quirk of human intuition. While small changes to the economic growth rate may not have noticeable effects in the short term, their long- term implications are absolutely astonishing.

Economist Tyler Cowen has pointed out in a Foreign Affairs article, “In the medium to long term, even small changes in growth rates have significant consequences for living standards. An economy that grows at one percent doubles its average income approximately every 70 years, whereas an economy that grows at three percent doubles its average income about every 23 years—which, over time, makes a big difference in people’s lives.” In his book Stubborn Attachments, Cowen offers a thought experiment to illustrate the real-​world implications of such “small changes” to the growth rate: “Redo U.S. history, but assume the country’s economy had grown one percentage point less each year between 1870 and 1990. In that scenario, the United States of 1990 would be no richer than the Mexico of 1990.”

Cowen gave the negative scenario in which the growth rate was 1 percent slower. US Citizens would have drastically shorter lifespans, less education, less healthcare, less safety from violence, more susceptibility to disease and natural disaster, fewer career choices, and so on. Now imagine the opposite scenario, in which US economic policy had just 1 additional percentage point of growth each year. The average American today would in all probability be living much longer, having much nicer housing, choosing from far more career opportunities, and enjoying more advanced technology.

Just imagine your income doubling, and what you could do for yourself, your family, or the charity of your choice with all that extra wealth. Something along those lines could have happened to most Americans. But instead, growth has been significantly slowed in the United States because taxes and regulations have constantly disincentivized and disallowed new innovations.

At the margins, many dying of preventable diseases could have been cured, many who spiraled into homelessness could have accessed the employment opportunities or mental health treatment they needed, and so on. While economic fortune seems like a luxury to those who already enjoy material comfort, there are always many at the margin for whom the health of the economy is the difference between life and death.

These are among the reasons that Harvard University economist Gregory Mankiw concludes in his commonly used college textbook Macroeconomics that, “Long-​run economic growth is the single most important determinant of the economic well-​being of a nation’s citizens. Everything else that macroeconomists study — unemployment, inflation, trade deficits, and so on — pales in comparison.”

When we think of the future our children or grandchildren will live in, depending on our choices between even slightly more or less restrictive economic policies today, we could be plausibly looking at a future of widespread and affordable space travel, life-​changing education and remote work opportunities in the metaverse, new sustainable energy innovations, a biotechnological revolution in the human capacity for medical and psychological flourishing, genome projects and conservation investments to revive extinct and protect endangered species, and countless other improvements to the human condition. Or we could be looking at a drawn-​out stagnation in poverty alleviation, technological advancement, and environmental progress. The difference may well hinge on what looks today like a tiny change in the rate of compounding growth.

At the broadest level, more wealth in the hands of the human species represents a greater capacity of humans to chart their course through life and into the future in accordance with their values. Like all profound and far-​reaching forms of change, economic growth has a wide range of consequences, some intended and others unintended, many desirable and many others undesirable. But it is not a random process. It is directed by the choices of individuals, and allocated by their drive to devote more resources and more investment into those things they view as worthwhile. Ever since the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution, the investment in human values has been on balance a positive sum game, in which one group’s gains do not have to come in the form of another group’s losses. This is demonstrated by the upward trends in human flourishing since the global rise in exponential economic growth. Indeed, it is intrinsic to the fundamental difference between a growing and a shrinking or stagnant economy: In a growing economy, everyone can win.

This article was published at Libertarianism.org on 11/17/2023.

Medical Xpress | Scientific Research

New Technique to Freeze Brain Tissue without Harm

“Prior research has shown that no matter how quickly brain matter is frozen, the freezing and thawing process always causes tissue damage. This has made it more difficult for researchers to study brain matter because research must be conducted immediately after obtaining a tissue sample. In this new effort, the team in China found a way around this problem by soaking the tissue in a special solution before freezing.

The work involved dipping or soaking brain organoids (brain tissue grown from stem cells) in candidate compounds and then freezing and thawing them to see how they fared. After many attempts, they found one combination of solutions that worked best—a mix of ethylene glycol, methylcellulose DMSO and Y27632. They named the solution mix MEDY.”

From Medical Xpress.

The Guardian | Communications

Google Rolls Out AI-Generated, Summarized Search Results in US

“Google will use artificial intelligence to return summarized responses to search engine queries from US users as it continues to infuse generative AI into its most widely used products.

The company has been testing ‘AI overviews’ that appear at the tops of search results, summaries created by its Gemini AI model that appear alongside the traditional link-based search results.

The featured has also been tested in the UK but will be rolled out across the US beginning on Tuesday, Google announced at its annual I/O developer conference Tuesday in California. Google Search head Liz Reid said AI Overviews would become available to ‘more than a billion people’ by the end of the year.”

From The Guardian.