“The 20th century brought significant changes that impacted barn owl populations. The intensification of agriculture, the loss of hedgerows, the use of pesticides, and changes in building practices led to a decline in suitable nesting and hunting habitats, as well as prey availability. By the mid-20th century, barn owl numbers had decreased dramatically. Around 1900, barn owls were a common sight, with populations believed to be healthy and stable, numbering in the tens of thousands of breeding pairs. By 1980, this number had decreased to approximately 4,000.

In recent decades, British organisations as well as the public have achieved extraordinary levels of success in stabilising and even drastically increasing barn owl populations across the British Isles. Organisations such as the Barn Owl Trust have been instrumental in these efforts, promoting habitat restoration, providing nest boxes, and raising public awareness. Their numbers are believed to be nine to twelve thousand breeding pairs and steadily growing.”

From Restore Our Planet.