01 / 05
A Better Way to Get Oysters? Try Growing Them on Land

Bloomberg | Agriculture

A Better Way to Get Oysters? Try Growing Them on Land

“Most [oyster] production today happens in shallow bays, with the oysters grown on the ocean floor or in cages, trays or floating bags. They’re then bathed in ultraviolet light or pumped full of microbubbles to dislodge impurities. But those methods aren’t 100% foolproof, so pathogens sometimes survive within the oyster’s flesh. By moving farming out of the ocean and feeding the creatures plankton and algae also grown on land, Yoshida is confident he can eliminate the risk of contamination during cultivation.”

From Bloomberg.

The Guardian | Food Production

Finnish Startup Begins Making Food “From Air and Solar Power”

“Nothing appears remarkable about a dish of fresh ravioli made with solein. It looks and tastes the same as normal pasta.

But the origins of the proteins which give it its full-bodied flavour are extraordinary: they come from Europe’s first factory dedicated to making human food from electricity and air.

The factory’s owner, Solar Foods, has started production at a site in Vantaa, near the Finnish capital of Helsinki, that will be able to produce 160 tonnes of food a year. It follows several years of experimenting at lab scale.”

From The Guardian.

Castanet | Food Production

Company Gets Green Light for GMO Non-browning Apple

“An Okanagan-based company is thrilled that their latest trademarked non-browning apple has been green-lit for sale on Canadian shelves, after a history of public nerves surrounding genetically modified crops.

Okanagan Specialty Fruits is the developer and grower behind ‘Arctic apple’ varieties, sold pre-sliced or diced with the promise of staying fresh and avoiding browning for up to 28 days thanks to bioengineering tweaks to the apples’ genetic codes.”

From Castanet.

Reuters | Food Production

Southern Brazil Reaps Record Soy to Offset Center-West Crop Failure

“A record soybean harvest in Brazil’s southernmost state should offset losses in the drought-hit center west, keeping a lid on prices in the world’s largest producer and exporter and slowing the pace of sales, according to local farmers and cooperatives.

Rio Grande do Sul will produce 68% more soybeans this season than last, according to estimates from national crop agency Conab, which said Thursday the state would regain the post of Brazil’s No.2 producer after Mato Grosso. Another state crop agency Emater projects a record crop of 22.25 million metric tons, up 71.5% from a year ago.”

From Reuters.