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Oil Spills from Tankers Have Fallen by More than 90% since the 1970s

Our World in Data | Pollution

Oil Spills from Tankers Have Fallen by More than 90% since the 1970s

“In the 1970s, oil spills from tankers — container ships transporting oil — were common. Between 70 and 100 spills occurred per year. That’s one or two spills every week.

This number has fallen by more than 90% since then. In the last decade, no year has had more than eight oil spills, as shown in the chart.

The quantity of oil spilled from tankers has also fallen dramatically. Over the last decade, the average is less than 10,000 tonnes per year, compared to over 300,000 tonnes in the 1970s.”

From Our World in Data.

Our World in Data | Pollution

China Reduced SO2 Emissions by More than Two-Thirds in 15 Years

“Annual emissions of SO2 in China … rose steeply during the 1980s and 1990s. But they peaked in the mid-2000s, and over the last 15 years, they have fallen by more than two-thirds.

Putting emissions limits on coal plants and introducing desulphurization technologies that remove SO2 from smokestacks were critical drivers of this decline.”

From Our World in Data.

IEEE Spectrum | Environment & Pollution

Startups Begin Geoengineering the Sea

“Captura is one of a cadre of startups eyeing Earth’s oceans as a carbon sink ready to be harnessed. The bioengineering strategies it’s deploying aim to accelerate what the oceans already do: absorb carbon emissions on a massive scale. This natural process has helped keep atmospheric CO2 levels in check for millions of years, but it can’t keep up with present-day industrial emissions. Dozens of field trials and pilot projects have begun, and in 2025, Captura and several other companies will begin scaling up their facilities.

Their approaches are as diverse as they are bold. Some groups are growing kelp forests or microalgae in the sea. Others propose pumping seawater between shallow and deep layers to move carbon around. Two strategies caught IEEE Spectrum’s gaze—Captura’s ocean carbon dioxide removal approach, which sucks carbon out of the sea, and ocean alkalinity enhancement, which stores carbon in the sea. Both have inspired the engineering of novel, highly efficient electrochemical systems to treat copious amounts of seawater.

Big funding entities support these ideas. The finalists for both the US $100 million XPrize for Carbon Removal and the $35 million Carbon Dioxide Removal Purchase Pilot Prize from the U.S. Department of Energy include marine-based strategies, alongside atmospheric ones.”

From IEEE Spectrum.

Our World in Data | Pollution

Per Capita CO2 Emissions Have Peaked Globally

“Globally, total CO2 emissions are still slowly increasing. The Global Carbon Project just released its preliminary estimates for 2024, which suggest another 0.8% increase.

However, while total emissions have not yet peaked, emissions per person have. Globally, per capita CO2 emissions from fossil fuels peaked in 2012. When land use emissions — which are more uncertain and noisier — are included, they peaked in the 1970s.”

From Our World in Data.

Nature | Pollution

“Forever” Chemicals Can Be Destroyed with Clever Chemistry

“The carbon–fluorine (C–F) bond is one of the strongest in organic chemistry, requiring huge amounts of energy to break down, at huge expense. But now two papers in Nature describe two low-energy ways to overcome the C–F bond.

Both methods combine a catalyst with some relatively simple chemistry driven by the energy of visible light. In each case, the catalyst absorbs light that then triggers a reaction.

Chemist Garret Miyake at Colorado State University in Fort Collins and his colleagues use this absorbed energy to reduce the C–F bond to carbon–hydrogen — albeit not in Teflon. Yan-Biao Kang, a chemist at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, and his colleagues uses this energy to break the bond and the overall molecule down to smaller constituent parts, in temperatures as low as 40 °C. Both papers, without doubt, mark a major step forward.

Important next steps include using these ideas in real-world settings, for example to develop catalysts that work in waste water or that can be used to clean up PFAS in contaminated soils. If a method can be adapted so that it is powered by sunlight, that would be of huge benefit.”

From Nature.