01 / 05
First Asian Elephant Vaccinated in Fight against Deadly Herpes Virus

The Guardian | Vaccination

First Asian Elephant Vaccinated in Fight against Deadly Herpes Virus

“An Asian elephant at Houston zoo in the US has received the first mRNA vaccine against herpes, which is the leading killer of Asian elephants calves in captivity.

Tess, a 40-year-old Asian elephant, was injected with the trial vaccine at the Texas zoo in June, after a spate of deaths in juveniles in zoos around the world from the elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV).

Dr Paul Ling, who researches herpes in humans at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, developed the elephant mRNA vaccine, which is designed to boost the immunity of young elephants.”

From The Guardian.

Reuters | Vaccination

Vaccine Keeps Advanced Kidney Cancer from Recurring

“Patients with advanced kidney cancer who received an experimental vaccine after their tumors were removed were still cancer-free years later in a small early-stage trial, researchers reported in Nature.

These were patients ‘where you know the risk of the cancer coming back is very high,’ said Dr. Toni Choueiri of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, who helped lead the study. ‘And after a median follow up of almost four years, none of the nine vaccinated patients has experienced a recurrence from their kidney cancer.’

Working with Merck, the researchers are now testing a similar kidney cancer vaccine in a randomized trial with 272 patients.”

From Reuters.

Gavi | Vaccination

Mali Rolls Out Cancer-Blocking Jab

“In a historic move, the government of Mali has introduced the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine into its routine immunisation programme. During a ceremony held in Bamako earlier this month, and attended by numerous dignitaries and international partners, Gavi and the Ministry of Health and Social Development emphasised the importance of this initiative, terming it a significant step forward in preventing cervical cancer among Malian women.”

From Gavi.

World Health Organization | Vaccination

Cross-Border Polio Vaccination Reaches 6.5 Million Children

“Between October 3 and 6, 2024, more than 6.5 million children were vaccinated in a successful synchronized polio campaign between Kenya and Uganda. This cross-border achievement began with a coordinated launch in Bungoma District, Kenya, and Mbale District, Uganda. 

Both countries have set an exemplary standard in their recent synchronized polio vaccination campaign conducted this week, which focused on high-risk cross-border regions. By conducting these campaigns on the same dates, sharing real-time information, both countries ensured that children under five in these vulnerable areas were reached effectively, reducing the chance of cross-border virus transmission.”

From World Health Organization.