“Congratulations to Niger – the country has been verified by the World Health Organization (WHO) for eliminating transmission of onchocerciasis.
This is a historic milestone in the history of global health achievements of Africa. Niger is the first country in Africa to be declared free of onchocerciasis, a parasitic disease caused by the Onchocerca volvulus worm, transmitted through the bites of infected black flies.
Niger has been significantly impacted by this disease, affecting communities primarily along riverbanks of fast-flowing rivers where these flies breed, hence the disease is also known as river blindness…
When onchocerciasis was widespread in West Africa, communities near rivers experienced higher rates of infection. Consequently, millions of people left these regions, often giving up farming on family land. Those who remained suffered severe symptoms such as blindness or incessant itching, which greatly limited their productivity.”
From World Health Organization.